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Nest trainingWhat is NEST?NEST (New Experience for Survivors of Trauma) is a therapeutic programme for adults who have experienced different types of trauma (e.g. abuse, neglect, witnessing violence), deprivation and/or loss. The significant personal losses addressed by NEST include the loss of a reasonable childhood and pregnancy loss (miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth and early infant death). The aim of therapy is to help a person overcome the psychological conflicts and relational difficulties associated with his/her past experiences, as well as offering a context where s/he can learn essential life skills and more adaptive ways of responding to stressful situations. The therapeutic process unfolds in 8 subsequent stages:
Throughout the therapeutic process the following aspects are facilitated:
» What is NEST?» Application of NEST therapy» Theoretical background and therapeutic practices» Training in NEST therapy» Feedback from trainees» NEST organisation» NEST code of ethics and practice» Nest therapists, supervisors & trainers» Application form |
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