Nest training

Feedback from trainees


„For long I have been preoccupied by this addressing of inner wounds, especially the wounds from childhood... I believe the fact that there is a way to healing our wounds is a wonderful thing.”


„The instruments applied touch in a very delicate way unsuspected aspects of the soul. They help you decode some inner phenomena you may have been searching for a long time.”


„For me it was a special healing experience where I clearly understood the connection between present behaviour, emotions, psychological conflicts, patterns and childhood trauma. I understand myself better now and see much more clearly the meaning of my life from now on.


“To be honest, I had been happy with my self from before the group. Still, I consider my participation a useful experience: it gave me confidence, strength and encouragement for my work.”


„The course helped me identify my own needs and tendencies and not to let myself be guided by these but by the welfare of my client.”


„Having participated in this course I discovered the importance of the group, I have realised that therapy is done through the other members of the group, and the therapist is the one who creates the appropriate framework for therapy; the therapist is an instrument, not a main piece like in individual therapy for instance.”


„A remarkable benefit is the fact that I discovered a flexible approach I feel at ease with and I can witness in-depth changes in the lives of those who participate in the therapy programme”.


“This way of training offers a possibility for experiencing the effectiveness of group therapy and to see the impact it can have on clients. It also helps you to really empathize with clients. This way you can have an idea about how they feel in the group, what inner conflicts may occur, the reticence or the resistance to opening up in the group and talk about the deepest and most intimate issues.”


“I learned ‘live’ about the characteristics of managing a group, which implies both observing rules and, at the same time, being flexible.”


“Unless you, as a therapist, do not acknowledge and resolve certain traumas, you cannot help others. Unless you reconsider your self image, accept yourself and learn from these experiences, you cannot help others.”


“[After the course] it has been easier for me to identify situations in which there is a connection between an ongoing problem and an early trauma.


“What I like about NEST is that no labels are used. The person is allowed to reflect on her own on her lived experience. There is some guidance, but done with particular care so that the freedom of the individual is not interfered with. Through this the person can make her own inner journey and reach inner maturity.”


“My participation in the group interaction has made me aware of the motivation behind my choice of profession. Some counsellors (and I am one of them) choose this profession so that they can work on their own problems.”

» What is NEST?

» Application of NEST therapy

» Theoretical background and therapeutic practices

» Training in NEST therapy

» Feedback from trainees

» NEST organisation

» NEST code of ethics and practice

» Nest therapists, supervisors & trainers

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